Nevertheless, he is sick or in distress. The course usually recommended for such times: You should make it obvious to all that your own advance benefits everyone, both. F. In Critical Mass four dynamic lines lurk inside of the hexagram, weakly contained at top and bottom by two magnetic lines. The progression in the hexagram is from ignorance to clarity, and then in line six, ignorance within clarity -- i. Legge: The subject of the hexagram is perseverance in what is right, or in continuously acting out the law of one's being. 4. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 39 Obstruction: Innovate. Success comes when you untangle the knots and soften the glare. iChing 28: Excessive Pressure 28: Excessive Pressure Something is about to collapse. NOTE: A quick rule of thumb is that the upper trigram. Step away from the "battlefield" for a time. –Sir Edwin ArnoldPathfinder Hexagram 07 Leadership The model of the moment: The quality of leadership has often changed the course of history. I Ching Hexagram 17 Sui (Following). This turns abstract awareness of patterns into. The hexagram describes a condition that has become unsustainable and is ripe for change. Indeed, many enlightened people preposition. F. Damage has already been done to prevent closure. Search from your highest chakra with light in your eyes of a hungry tiger to find the right people who will help with sharing nourishment for all. Dragging the adversary about when there is no adversary will cost you your inner treasure. Increase and decrease are both part of the natural cycle of life. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 43: Determination: Breakthrough. To have a gelded boars tusk is to have power over something that could have attacked you. Some level of estrangement is indicated. 28 ䷛ 大過: dà guò. Those who come and go use the well as a well. then yin and yang alternated in 63/64. Cleary (2):. 2 is complementary to hex. I Ching Hexagram 35 Chin (Progress). This was the birth of cooperation among people. The model of the moment: Truth can be a powerful ally in the forging of new relationships, or the persuasion and influence of others. At the winter solstice, the Yang seems to have disappeared. 6. As that figure deals with the correct relations . Action: Go Back. F. Winter (28): Find the seed of the new by standing alone without fear. I Ching Hexagram 49 Ko (Molting/Revolution). Lusting after what we believe others have leads us nowhere. It shows men's minds alienated from correctness and sure to go on to disorder. Commitment is the force of attraction that brings all things back to you. It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of the great whole of life dawns on you. Action: Persevere. Best not to attempt difficult projects. The first line, divided, shows one wishing to advance,and (at the same time) kept back. ] Liu: Wind following wind symbolizes Penetration. 40 -- Liberation -- 40 . Action: View. Hook. The hexagram means falling in love. The image of killing three fox with one arrow points to being delivered from tricksters. Pathfinder Hexagram 31 Exposure The model of the moment: Intimate or close relationships might involve lovers, family, friends, or business partners. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 40 Liberation: Untangle. 49 -- Metamorphosis -- 49 . This has inner and outer trigrams forming a lake over the wind. Cleary (1): Joy is developmental, beneficial if correct. (28 Great Transition) Step 6 Culmination: This inner stripping leads to a breakthrough. Use your imagination and don’t fall into self-pity. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 38 Opposition: Accommodate. It can delight and sustain with its gentleness, versatility, and beauty. Hexagram 35 Chin Progress. Action: Transform. – ConfuciusThis hexagram is complementary to hex. F. . Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit. I Ching Hexagram 27 Yi (Nourishing Vision). It has an encouraging future to look forward to. From what seemed old and without much. To sustain others we must first deal with our won needs. Legge: Recognizing the risks involved in criminal prosecution, justice demands a resolute proof of the culprit's. Pathfinder Hexagram 28 Breaking Point The model of the moment: When large actions or great excesses dominate the news of the day, you can expect changes of unusually large proportions. Any cause for sorrow will soon disappear. The wind trigram is known as a 'soft energy': both subtle and lacking in strength, and yet persistent and unwavering. Reliable . Success can also be expected. I Ching Hexagram 39 Jian (Obstruction). 6. The Superior Man, acting from his profound knowledge of the words and conduct of the wise men of old, nourishes his virtue. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 28 Critical Mass: Adjust. Tis not the many oaths that make the truth; but the plain single vow, that is vowed true. Line-1. Success comes when you can approach all of life without prejudice. There’s a gentleness to your work that really comes through. The core of the I Ching are its 64 hexagrams, each composed of six lines. Truth is strongest when undiluted by the flavor of personal desires. - Eight I Ching hexagrams shown. Other titles: The Symbol of Rising and Advancing, Ascending, Ascension, Rising, Promotion, Advancement, Sprouting from the Earth, Organic Growth Judgment . Some dangerous problems can be valuable as long as we are aware of the dangers. Prosperity in both material possessions and inner peace is indicated. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 29 Abyss: Relinquish. – James. Collect the energy and insight to start anew. He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerve, and sharpens our skill. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 23 Split Apart: Regenerate. Only by learning the truth about ourselves may we. One sometimes receives this figure in situations involving third-party. -Jaliya 2012-01-20 5:28:46. Display it in the King’s Chambers. Cleary (1): Constancy in virtue; this righteousness is. Maintain a cheerful attitude, but. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FIFTY-SIX – TRANSITION . Ching Hexagram 62. Psychic Revelation. Something very profound is also committed to your success. Settling-down divination: auspicious. Action: Support. , "Get the message or suffer the consequences. Its inner (lower) trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer (upper) trigram is ☱ (兌. Liu: The sun rising above the earth is the symbol of Progress. 4 -- Inexperience -- 4 . Line-1 . Other titles: The Symbol of Addition, Gain, Augmenting, Help from Above, Benefit, Advantage, Profit, Expansion Judgment . Individuals benefit from a common good now. The wise person, who has found stillness of mind and heart. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-FOUR -- TEMPTATION . All that is receptive, nurtures, gives form and substance and gives birth is at work. (Nuclear hexagram 28. The mild mannered trigram of wind is filled with lightness and gentleness. Domination. Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes a marshy lake being drawn (sucked) towards the sky. Nine in the Fourth Place changes to hexagram 53. It is of benefit to continue. Otherwise the freedom of self-determination will be lost in such times. Other titles: Obstruction, The Symbol of Difficulty, Arresting Movement, Trouble, Obstacles, Barrier, Halt, Halting, Limping, Afoot, “Sit Tight—Don’t move” "One is surrounded by an underwater reef and should wait for assistance. To regard all things as one, is to be a companion of Nature. Hexagram 28 shares its core concept with 62: Exceeding, guo, great or small. 63 -- Completion -- 63 . Hexagram #28 ䷚ Excess of the Great: This hexagram represents harmonious blending of the medicinal substances, in which fullness requires use of emptiness. The Collins Chinese-English Dictionary translates the Chinese word (师) as either. Shaughnessy: Gathering men at first weeping and wailing, but later laughing; the great captains succeed in meeting each other. Don't neglect the other side when you concentrate on one of the two. There is no real difficulty that requires outward movement. Return with this clarity and there is no regret. Hexagram 28. If the weak continually surrenders while. – Gloria AnzalduaCompulsion:1a. On the Cast Hexagram-, Hexagram Lines- and Transformed Hex-tab you can click through to the corresponding original I Ching translation, if applicable. The lower 3 lines of hexagram #56 form the trigram for Mountain, while the upper 3 lines form the trigram for Fire. Appreciating what is small is called enlightenment. The K'ang-hsi editors point out that the distinction between hexagram number forty-eight, The Well, and this one is the difference between the nourishment of the people in general and the specific nourishing of worthy men. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 34 Great Power: Invigorate. 62 -- Small Powers-- 62 . The change between these hexagrams. Without fault. The lesson of the hexagram is that the nourishing of men of talent and virtue intimates great progress and success. This hexagram represents the presence of white within black, restoring yang within yin. – Albert Camus. I Ching Hexagram 31 Hsien (Influence/Wooing). When the operation is completed, a. In the well there is a clear, cold spring from which one can drink. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 64 Before Completion: Prepare. Ponce -- Kabbalah. The Pair 1:2 Force and Field is an Engine of Change that develops the transformative power to both inspire and realize things. In reading Blofeld, Ritsema/Karcher, Shaughnessy, Cleary, Legge, Wilhelm/Baynes, Alfred Hauang and more, some of the titles are, Peeling Off, Decay, Stripping Away, Intrigue, Deterioration, Collapse. Action: Accept. If the rope does not reach all the way into the well, of if the bucket breaks, that is unfortunate. Perhaps it is time to read Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes lightning spewed forth by the clouds -- difficulty prevails! The Superior Man busies himself setting things in order. Other titles: Mountain, Keeping Still, The Symbol of Checking and Stopping, Desisting, Stilling, Stillness, Stoppage, Bound, Reposing, Resting, Meditation, Non-action, Stopping, Arresting Movement, "Refers to meditation and yoga. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 64 Before Completion: Prepare. The course usually recommended for such. Treat your partner the way you want to be treated in return. Pathfinder Hexagram 33 Retreat The model of the moment: This represents a time when one should yield to one's enemies and withdraw. Domination is a condition that cannot last. The Superior Man performs his allotted tasks in consonance with heaven's (or the sovereign's) will. But hexagram number 52 is asking you to call into question the notion that there needs to be movement at all. 42 -- Increase -- 42 . Great Success. Finding ourselves in company of others who are taking a path unwise for us, we see our established and tried friendships have more to offer. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-THREE – RESOLUTENESS . Hexagram #28's Lower Trigram of Wind. 29 -- Danger --29 . Legge: At the top of the hexagram ornament has run its course and there is a return to pure white simplicity. "-- D. Your motives are good. Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side, which he never shows anyone. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 57 Penetration: Permeate. 3. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 52 Keeping Still: Meditate. Communicate positive feeling, togetherness, enthusiasm, joy and laughter. Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes the sky visible amidst the mountain peaks. [The component trigrams combine the concepts of wind and blandness -- hence a favorable wind. Protect the unborn, a “tied up sack” Carefully hiding, not yet ready to live in the world. Pathfinder Hexagram 36 Censorship The model of the moment: Those in authority mute your voice and remove your influence in important matters. Like boaters staying afloat through white-water rapids, those faced with serious challenges need to remain alert. This powerful hexagram which in its most literal sense means "heaven" supporting the "earth" is an indication of peace and favorable times. Legge: Increase denotes advantage in every movement which shall be undertaken -- it will be advantageous even to cross the great. Other titles: Deliverance, The Symbol of Loosening, Release, Eliminating Obstacles, Taking-apart, Untangled, Solution, Dissolution, Relief, Unloose, Release of Tension Judgment . Hexagram 37 Chia Jen Family. Erica Garvin What Is I Ching Hexagram 28 All About? Ta Kuo is the Chinese name of the I Ching Hexagram 28. Yet they too are living beings, and crave warmth, help, and. If the dam is about to burst, moving out of the way is your first priority! Likewise, if you are in an old mine shaft and feel the earth begin to tremble, it is a time for quick, instinctive action and nimble footwork—only. You are always on the threshold of change; how you approach it will determine your success. We sleep, but the loom of life never stops and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving. Li (Clarity) Action: Perceive. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 55 Abundance: Fulfill. If the thirteenth hexagram depicts a process of uniting, the fourteenth might be seen as the completion of that process. The former are "the great," active and vigorous; the latter are "the inferior," passive and yielding. A hex is a short-term effect generated on the fly from your patron's magic, requiring your familiar to draw from your patron. The path is clear and success is yours. Nourishment refers to more than just a healthy diet of food; this hexagram represents caregiving as well. Success comes when you pull your nature forward without pushing yourself into the world. This is a time to contemplate things at a smaller scale. You can only lead others toward growth if you are willing to grow yourself. ’. [This hexagram represents joy in practicing the Tao. Action: Let Go Hu Gua (hidden influence) 37 Family: Support. Such movement is a reversal of polarities. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 54: Propriety: Subordinate. In hexagram 41, the trigrams Mountain over Lake are defined by their human symbols. The I Ching or Book of Changes is one of the world's most ancient manuscripts. Legge: The first line, magnetic, shows the looking of a child -- not blamable in those of inferior rank, but a matter of regret in superior men. Bring it out. Upper Trigram of Water. Hex. There are always risks in change, so take care. Thunderbolt and earthquake. Fourth, the combined trigrams of shock and light (thunder and lightning) suggest a sudden and numinous illumination: the sort of en-light-enment. This has inner and outer trigrams forming heaven over thunder. As evolution encourages a wealth of testing among large numbers of traits to determine the best species for a particular niche, so too does economic competition perform a similar service for. Other titles: Standstill, The Symbol of Closing, Stagnation, Obstruction, The Wife, Obstructed, Decadence, Disjunction, Impasse, "Yin supporting yang which is wrong, they part company. It is not only the students who learn when an. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 37 Family: Support. – Mark TwainPathfinder Hexagram 05 Suspension The model of the moment: You could be caught up in the games of others now, your goals entangled in conflict. Legge:Contraction means collecting together, or things so collected. Carrying a message. Without changing lines it is a clear injunction to remove yourself from an inferior situation, influence, emotion or way of thinking. (To ‘let things take their time’ is to let things go, to delay or slacken; the character shows trailing silk threads. Paintings and prescriptions hexagram 29. Reading at a. They must take all available precautions and, above all, keep going forward, so as to remove themselves from harm’s way. Other titles: The Corners of the Mouth, Providing Nourishment, The Symbol of the Cheek and of Nourishment, Jaws, Lower Jaw, Nurturing, Swallowing, Sagacious Counsel, Nourishing, To Feed, "Can mean money, usually as the result of. Summer (1): Ripen the fruits. In the mixing of foreign waters, the further evolution of life is spurred on, and new, fertile soils distributed and laid down for the benefit of future. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 42 Increase: Expand. Cleary (1): For liberation, the southwest is beneficial. Fourth, the combined trigrams of shock and light (thunder and lightning) suggest a sudden and numinous illumination: the sort of en-light-enment. Hexagram Two . Zong Gua (underlying cause) 53 Development: Flower. Honest differences are often a sign of progress. iChing 28: Excessive Pressure 28: Excessive Pressure Something is about to collapse. Pathfinder Hexagram 28 Breaking Point The model of the moment: When large actions or great excesses dominate the news of the day, you can expect changes of unusually. Reading at a Glance: When. This leads to a breakthrough. Nine in the fifth place changes to hexagram 46. The bottom three lines of hexagram #29 form the trigram for Water, while the upper three lines form the trigram for Water. Summer (13): Ripen the fruits by joining with others. A woman's perseverance benefits. 60: Limits and Connections. A load is getting too heavy to bear. It is the tendency of a flexible or yielding nature to draw powerful forces to it, especially when prosperity. The Oracle. 6. This is not a time for patience, but for decisive action. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 2: Receptive: Yield. Distress. Reading at a. 62: Attention to Detail. The way is open. Home; Services;. This suggests a compulsive, unconscious drive, or an ill-considered impulse to act. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FOUR -- INEXPERIENCE . Six in the Fifth Place39: Temporary Obstacles. an irresistible impulse to perform an irrational act. Pathfinder Hexagram 22 Perfection The model of the moment: Enthusiasm and ornamentation have their place, especially in traditional rituals. 4. between husband and wife, so this figure treats of the continuous observance of their respective duties. Spread the word through inspiring words and images. Kǎn (Abyss) Action: Relinquish Hu Gua (hidden influence) 27: Nourishing Vision: Nurture. ) The good auspice is due to this flexibility, but in either instance the following must be guided by a reference to what is correct. Luck, and the help of others, is with you, as you have infused your work with the qualities of modesty and discipline. 2. Legge: Line five is dynamic in the central place of honor, and has a proper correlate in line two. I can see hexagram 1 and 2, 63 and 64 as like a pair of bookends containing all life's experience between them. Download for free – Explore the 30 day trial; Purchase full version – Restore editing and all those lovely search features after your 30 day trial ends. Circumstances will help you adjust. In such times, summon up your fortitude, don’t shine your light, simply withdraw. Pathfinder Hexagram 09 Binding The model of the moment: Here some element, weak in itself, draws strength from the situation to successfully restrict or move a much more formidable entity. You were supportive of his situation (28) and 31 suggests attachment. F. But with 62 unchanging as the answer, which you can see with my paraphrase of the Image and Judgement, it was saying 'ground any thoughts you may have about this'. The two words of its name are equally important: Repeating also means rehearsing and learning: this is the classic. Fruitless to take up arms; Fruitful to have a direction to go. Implicit in this curious challenge is a need to evaluate your competence to further the Work. Don’t hesitate. Visitors, and 14. This is an especially good time for seeking such an avenue. Reading at a Glance: Oftentimes we feel that life is unfair. And also, ‘With no nurturance, it is not possible to act, and so Great. Voyager, there are no bridges; one builds them as one walks. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 14 Great Possessing: Shine. Pathfinder Hexagram 59 Flow The model of the moment: Water, like life, is a multifaceted phenomenon. 44 -- Temptation -- 44 . ’ If a man carefully examines his thoughts, he will be surprised to find how much he lives in the future. Or it can terrify and kill in massive torrential floods. The hexagram describes a stage of development where something new shows itself to the outside world for the first time and finds that the world is supportive of it. I Ching Hexagram 23 Po (Split Apart). People come and go, but the well remains a well. Judgment. Advantage can often be gained by moving backwards temporarily, before again moving forward. Action: Reignite. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 15 Authenticity: Balance. The ebb and flow of events are like waves in the sea, and there are periods of low tide. Wing's paraphrase of Critical Massas more evocative of the figure's meaning in modern terminology. When you lose your way, life always hands you a map that says: ‘you are here. an irresistible impulse to perform an irrational act. The king's mind is without any deflection as he goes to his ancestral temple. timing is important to achieve the goal. Help will appear when you are open to receive it. Hexagram number 30 is a sign of good things. Don’t give up. The hexagram includes the ideas of both following others and being followed by others. It can be especially effective in coping with our own internal conflicts. Close; The Resonance Journal – Download specially designed journal software for Yijing readings, dreams and synchronicities. Wilhelm/Baynes: When ribbon grass is pulled up, the sod comes with it. This juxtaposition denotes a time of peace and blessings for all living things. HEXAGRAM NUMBER ELEVEN -- HARMONY. A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimension. 64 - Every cycle ends and begins in chaos. The king's mind is without any deflection as he goes to his ancestral temple. The hexagram means an expression of mind, or a symbolic representation of culture. The vital feminine principle of receptivity and formation is indicated by this hexagram. ’. Maintain a cheerful. Don’t just think about it, do something. Deciding and Parting. Legge: For the regulation of The Family, what is most advantageous is that the wife be firm and correct. Be clear and simple. ”. Legge:Liberation finds advantage in the southwest. Be open to the unexpected. Persistence in a direction harmonious with personal needs and the society one. You are under siege. But care must be taken that the superficial behavior and fragile beauty of the moment are not mistaken for ultimate truth. As each love blooms in the peace of its own nature in its own time. Cleary (2):. Wilhelm/Baynes. B. (28 Great Transition) Step 2 Inner Center: This inner re-organization leads to harmony with others. 58 Opening/Mediator DUI. Don’t blame the field. It is seen as a sequel to the previous hexagram,Initiative. It is not an advantage to profit by someone else’s loss. Wu: Three would create doubts. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 8 Union: Discover. With such awareness all will go well. , an image of one who remains obtuse while surrounded by the light of illumination. I Ching Hexagram 64 Wei Chi (Before Completion). 3. He need not be anxious -- without his efforts a way of escape will be opened for him. Ten pairs of tortoises cannot. Hexagram 29 Kǎn Abyss. It cannot be bypassed or ignored. The Pair 27:28 Tiger’s Mouth and Great Transition is an Engine of Change that develops the courage to face the past and stand up for what you know is right. Some of these problems seem to stem from inadequate planning on the part of someone involved; perhaps yourself. I Ching Hexagram 24 Fu (Return). Fruitful to proceed probing. g. The characters share a root with the shi or Corpse Embodiers who were possessed by ancestor spirits at the shared meals and the shi or book diviners, the bamboo-shamans. Having one’s will in the Tao is finding joy in the Tao; when one delights in the Tao, then one can practice the Tao. The unexpected is by definition beyond our ability to grasp beforehand. If you allow nothing new to enter your thoughts, how can anything new come out of them? GIGO ( Garbage In, Garbage Out ) is a common expression among computer aficionados. To unfold its leaves in the cold would be too difficult and dangerous. Eating properly implies care for oneself; providing healthy meals in the home implies caring for the family. Within yourself deliverance must be searched for, because each man makes his own prison. I Ching Hexagram 58 Tui (Joy). Thoughts about hexagram 23: When consulting the I Ching people usually don’t like receiving hexagram 23, the dreaded Splitting Apart . From what seemed old and without much future growth, new possibilities emerge, like green shoots out of an dead tree trunk. Summer (21): Ripen the fruits by biting through obstacles. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 60 Limitation: Regulate. Do not despair. The temple in which the sacred marriage takes place is the world. 46 -- Pushing Upward -- 46 . The resulting totality is more than the sum of its parts. 40 -- Liberation -- 40 . Wealth is the inverse of the preceding figure, Union of Forces. Search out new companions. Action: Flower. Other titles: After Completion, The Symbol of What is Already Past, Already Fording, Already Completed, Settled, Mission Accomplished, Tasks Completed, After the End, A state of Climax Judgment . 4. 6. Top 9: Encountering (with) one's horn. Top 6: Not bright, dark. Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes a favorable wind. Beware of confusing ideas and hasty plans.